MITA Writes

Madwomen in the Attic’s primary aim is to advocate for and empower women and queer-identified people, as well as all neurodivergent people, through feminist literacy projects.

To learn more about feminist mental health literacy advocacy, check out (hover over without clicking) our Featured Writers and MITA Writes tabs on the website menu.

Listed under the category of ‘Featured Writers’ is an introduction to Mad Mondays and a year-by-year archive of our Mad Monday Featured Writers. See The Featured Project for further information. Hover over a year and a month to locate the name of each writer. A list of featured writers will be published annually, and can be accessed by clicking on the year.

Listed under the category of MITA Writes are the subcategories ‘Narrative Medicine’ and ‘Literacy Projects’. Under the subcategory ‘Literacy Projects’ are articles about the advocacy work we are doing. Under the subcategory of ‘Narrative Medicine,’ there are feminist essays written by MITA co-founder Jessica Lake Mason. Click on the titles to access individual essays and articles.

For general information about Madwomen in the Attic, click on or hover over the ‘About MITA’ tab on the main menu, and click on one of the subcategories, ‘MITA FAQs’, ‘Contact‘, or ‘MITA on Facebook.’

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